Thirteenth Islamic Foreign Ministers’ Conference.

Audience of Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Pacifico A. Castro with President Seydi Kountche of Niger and Foreign Minister Boubacar Toure, who served as Chairman of the 13th Islamic Ministers’ Conference. The Conference adopted Resolution No. 12/13 P on 26 August 1982, which “invites the Government of the Philippines to speed up the implementation of the Tripoli Agreement in letter and spirit and to endeavor to open negotiations towards this end with the Moro National Liberation Front.” It also appealed to the MNLF to “prepare itself for these negotiations and participate in these talks, as a unified Government and MNLF panels, and the Quadripartite Committee Members of the Government Panel were Foreign Minister Carlos P. Romulo, Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile, Justice Minister Jose Abad Santos, Local Government Minister Jose Rono, Defense Undersecretary Carmelo Barbero, Ambassadors Liminding Pangandaman and Pacifico Castro, Admiral Romulo Espaldon and Major General Fidel V. Ramos. The MNLF Panel was headed by Kagim Jajurie. Quadripartite Committee members present were Libyan Foreign Minister Ali Treki, Saudi Political Director Fuad al Khatib, Senegal Ambassador Amadou Karim Gaye and Somali Director Darman.

Source: Fidel V. Ramos, Break not the Peace: the story of the GRP-MNLF peace negotiations, 1992-1996

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