Seventh Islamic Forcing Ministers’ Conference.

Istanbul, Turkey. Seventh Islamic Forcing Ministers’ Conference. Ambassadors Rafael Ileto, Lininding Pangandaman, Pacifico A. Castro and Jose V. Cruz met with the Islamic delegations. The Conference adopted Resolution No. 127 which called on the Government of the Philippines “to honor its commitment to grant autonomy to Muslims in Mindanao, Basilan, Sulu and Palawan within the state of the Philippines.” August 1976, Colombo, Sri Lanka. The Philippine delegation to the 5th Non-Aligned Summit Conference met with OIC Secretary General Amadou Karim Gaye, Libyan Foreign Minister Ali Treki and Senegal Foreign Minister Assane Seck. The delegation was led by Deputy Foreign Minister Jose D. Ingles and Ambassadors Pacifico A. Castro and Lininding Pangar.daman.

Source: Fidel V. Ramos, Break not the Peace: the story of the GRP-MNLF peace negotiations, 1992-1996

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