15th Islamic Foreign Ministers” Conference.

Meetings in Jeddah of Counselor Fortunato D. Oblena with Islamic delegations from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia and 01C Secretary General for Political Affairs Fuad Abdul Hammed al-Khatib. The Conference adopted Resolution No. ICFM/15-84/PIL/DR 35 on 22 December 1984, which affirmed that “any peaceful solution to the problem of the Muslims in South Philippines must be founded on territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of the Philippines in conformity with the Tripoli Agreement of 1976.” It also urged the “concerned parties to abide by it,” and called upon the MINLF and its leadership to close ranks and reaffirm the stand previously adopted by the Conference in this connection.”

Source: Fidel V. Ramos, Break not the Peace: the story of the GRP-MNLF peace negotiations, 1992-1996

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