The government authorized 227 Moro families to occupy and settle lands at Genio EDCOR project which, according to Ciriaco Mirasol, EDCOR chief, “accomplished two things: 1)it filled the project up to capacity and 2)obviated possible Moro charges that the government provid(ed) more privileges to Christians than (the) native(s) of the area.”

Source: Ulindang, Faina A. 2015. “Land Resettlement Policies in Colonial and PostColonial Philippines: Key to Current Insurgencies and Climate Disasters in its Southern Mindanao Island.” In Land Grabbing, Conflict and Agrarian‐Environmental Transformations: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia, Chiang Mai University, 5-6 June 2015, 1-20. Thailand: RCSD Chiang Mai University.

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