ARMM Governor Nur Misuari threatens to revive the MNLF’s secession struggle if the government fails to grant autonomy to a larger portion of the south. Under the 1996 peace agreement, a plebiscite must be held within three years in the special zone of Peace and Development (ZOPAD), which covers 14 provinces and 9 cities in the south, to determine if the residents want to join the ARMM. Misuari asserts that a plebiscite is not part of the agreement and that he will take the issue to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) which brokered the peace talks. Some former MNLF rebels have turned to extortion and/or joined the MILF or Abu Sayyaf as they have become disgruntled with or unable to survive on the limited livelihood assistance that has been provided (Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 03/17/99).

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